Workspace Investigations

We can provide a truly impartial investigation service into HR issues.

These typically relate to disciplinary or grievance issues, but can cover any workplace investigation, including:

  • misconduct
  • discrimination
  • bullying / harassment
  • whistleblowing
  • fraud
  • regulatory issues
  • H&S

If your organisation or HR team is accused of wrongdoing, our independent workplace investigation service offers a robust response to such allegations.  Using an independent third party like us demonstrates your desire for impartiality and acting properly.

When instructed, we utilise the services of a qualified and highly experienced employment law solicitor who is used to conducting investigations, interviewing witnesses and analysing evidence to get to the truth.

Our experts are familiar with the complexities of discrimination, health and safety and whistleblowing legislation and the protection it affords your employees, while balancing the rights of those accused.  We ensure all duties relating to the issues involved are balance and dealt with sensitively and legally.

We have a very specific way of working that ensures our independence and autonomy is preserved.  This means any conclusions and recommendations made in our investigation report is not open to challenge on the grounds of impartiality.

When conducting our investigations, we are thorough in our approach and recordkeeping. We will interview all relevant witnesses offering them a safe environment in which to discuss what can often be sensitive or difficult issues, especially if they relate to their more senior colleagues.

We ensure all meetings are accurately recorded, meeting notes are agreed with the witnesses and stored in a safe and secure environment.  Other documentation we review will be logged and identified; even if information supplied is not relevant, the fact we have seen it is recorded in our report. This enables all parties to understand our approach to the investigation, methodology and the rationale for our conclusions and recommendations.

Our experts are used to challenging and assessing evidence, so we will be able to quickly focus on the aspects that are relevant to the issues we need to address. We can also make recommendations for the future but will only identify/recommend potential outcomes that we think are likely to succeed.  Equally, we can simply investigate and pass our report back to you for someone internally to review our report and decide on the outcome.

We can also act as an independent appeal chair/investigator following any internal processes or grievance.